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23 August 2024 · Updated 11 October 2024 · Views: 2097

Sex for Baby Making

Lexy Pacheco

Lexy Pacheco

Focused chiropractic DONA, certified doula

Reviewed by Lexy Pacheco

Sex for Baby Making

1. Cutting down on sex to “save” your guy’s sperm – MYTH!!

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine states that the six-day period known as the "fertile window" includes the five days leading up to ovulation and the day of it. Every month, on these days, a woman is most fertile. In an attempt to monitor when they would be more likely to conceive, some women are turning to new technological tools like websites and apps for fertility tracking; however, a 2016 study raises doubts about the accuracy of these apps. 

Throughout the month, you should have sex every two to three days for the highest chance of success. It's not necessary to schedule it for the same days as you ovulate. 

Did you know : An egg lives for about 12 to 24 hours after it’s released. For you to get pregnant, a sperm must fertilise the egg within this time. Sperm can live for up to three to five days inside your body.

2. She has a problem, not me! – MYTH!!

Whether or not sperm is present, men often assume that fluid (semen) will come out, which indicates they are fertile!

Men and women are equally impacted by infertility. Approximately 35% of infertile couples have male factors, 35% have female factors, 20% have a combination of both male and female factors, and the other 10% have unknown causes.

This is why it is essential to evaluate the male and female during the infertility work-up. This is a basic semen analysis for men; other tests such as genetic screens, chromosomal analysis, and blood work to measure hormone levels may also be performed.

Male infertility can have various causes, but sperm abnormalities are the most commonly thought-of. The sperm aneuploidy, or the erroneous number of chromosomes, low semen analytical parameters (sperm count, motility, and morphology), and issues with sperm production and transport inside the male reproductive canal are examples of this. Semen analysis may be normal, but there may be problems with sperm function that affect fertilization and healthy embryo development.

3. Not all lubricants are the same – TRUTH!

Think twice next time you reach for the lube. When vaginal lubricants were originally developed, they were solely designed to provide lubrication for intercourse. While most lubricants don’t contain spermicides anymore, she says many contain ingredients like petroleum, propylene glycol, glycerin, parabens, silicone, and Nonoxynol-9 (sometimes abbreviated as N-9). All of these ingredients can affect sperm motility — the ability of sperm to move properly through a woman’s reproductive tract.

In addition to avoiding lubricants that contain these ingredients, try using a sperm-friendly, glycerin-free, PHP-balanced, isotonic lubricant, such as Pre-Seed, made by First Response. 

4. 2 lines are enough on Ovulation Prediction Kit – MYTH!!

Ovulation test strips or ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) are at-home tests you can use to determine when you’re ovulating. Because you’re most fertile during ovulation, the kits can help increase your chances for success when you’re trying to conceive. Ovulation test strips work by measuring levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine. A rise in LH signals the ovary to release an egg — so when your levels reach a certain threshold, it’s safe to assume that ovulation will occur within the next 12 to 36 hours. 

All you have to do is pee in a cup and dip the stick or strip into the cup and wait a few minutes for the indicator to appear. If the test line shows up darker than the control line, you’re about to ovulate. (There are always low levels of LH in your body, so if the test line shows up but appears lighter or fainter than the control line, you’re not ovulating yet. Using an ovulation test strip with a digital readout can eliminate this confusion altogether.


It’s important you prepare your body and adjust your lifestyle to maximise your chances of conception. Here are some tips that can really make a difference to your level of fertility.


When trying to conceive it is important to drink lots of water. This helps the kidneys to flush out waste products from the body and increases fertile quality cervical fluid.

Avoid alcohol

It is a good idea to avoid or strictly limit alcohol intake as this reduces fertility. Department of Health advice is to avoid alcohol completely if trying to conceive or during pregnancy.


Caffeine is thought to restrict the growth of a developing baby by constricting blood vessels and reducing blood flow to the uterus. Current advice is to limit caffeine intake to below 2 cups of instant coffee, 1 cups of fresh coffee or 3 cups of tea.


Women have a 40% lower chance of getting pregnant if they smoke, according to a report published by the British Medical Association (BMA). Smoking decreases sperm count and increases sperm abnormalities in men. Ask us for help in quitting – Smoking Cessation

Stress less

There are so many people who worry excessively about becoming pregnant and once they release that stress, their body reacts to the new peace by creating a new life. So try not to worry and enjoy the fun of trying to conceive.


Taking a supplement specially formulated for before conception will provide you with 400mcg folic acid and other nutrients such as l-arginine vitamin D and vitamin B12 which help support the nutritional requirements of women trying to conceive.


Make sure that you have been properly screened for STDs. Pelvic inflammatory disease is common amongst women with the number-one cause being an untreated sexually transmitted disease.

1. Cutting down on sex to “save” your guy’s sperm – MYTH!!

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine states that the six-day period known as the "fertile window" includes the five days leading up to ovulation and the day of it. Every month, on these days, a woman is most fertile. In an attempt to monitor when they would be more likely to conceive, some women are turning to new technological tools like websites and apps for fertility tracking; however, a 2016 study raises doubts about the accuracy of these apps. 

Throughout the month, you should have sex every two to three days for the highest chance of success. It's not necessary to schedule it for the same days as you ovulate. 

Did you know : An egg lives for about 12 to 24 hours after it’s released. For you to get pregnant, a sperm must fertilise the egg within this time. Sperm can live for up to three to five days inside your body.

2. She has a problem, not me! – MYTH!!

Whether or not sperm is present, men often assume that fluid (semen) will come out, which indicates they are fertile!

Men and women are equally impacted by infertility. Approximately 35% of infertile couples have male factors, 35% have female factors, 20% have a combination of both male and female factors, and the other 10% have unknown causes.

This is why it is essential to evaluate the male and female during the infertility work-up. This is a basic semen analysis for men; other tests such as genetic screens, chromosomal analysis, and blood work to measure hormone levels may also be performed.

Male infertility can have various causes, but sperm abnormalities are the most commonly thought-of. The sperm aneuploidy, or the erroneous number of chromosomes, low semen analytical parameters (sperm count, motility, and morphology), and issues with sperm production and transport inside the male reproductive canal are examples of this. Semen analysis may be normal, but there may be problems with sperm function that affect fertilization and healthy embryo development.

3. Not all lubricants are the same – TRUTH!

Think twice next time you reach for the lube. When vaginal lubricants were originally developed, they were solely designed to provide lubrication for intercourse. While most lubricants don’t contain spermicides anymore, she says many contain ingredients like petroleum, propylene glycol, glycerin, parabens, silicone, and Nonoxynol-9 (sometimes abbreviated as N-9). All of these ingredients can affect sperm motility — the ability of sperm to move properly through a woman’s reproductive tract.

In addition to avoiding lubricants that contain these ingredients, try using a sperm-friendly, glycerin-free, PHP-balanced, isotonic lubricant, such as Pre-Seed, made by First Response. 

4. 2 lines are enough on Ovulation Prediction Kit – MYTH!!

Ovulation test strips or ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) are at-home tests you can use to determine when you’re ovulating. Because you’re most fertile during ovulation, the kits can help increase your chances for success when you’re trying to conceive. Ovulation test strips work by measuring levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine. A rise in LH signals the ovary to release an egg — so when your levels reach a certain threshold, it’s safe to assume that ovulation will occur within the next 12 to 36 hours. 

All you have to do is pee in a cup and dip the stick or strip into the cup and wait a few minutes for the indicator to appear. If the test line shows up darker than the control line, you’re about to ovulate. (There are always low levels of LH in your body, so if the test line shows up but appears lighter or fainter than the control line, you’re not ovulating yet. Using an ovulation test strip with a digital readout can eliminate this confusion altogether.


It’s important you prepare your body and adjust your lifestyle to maximise your chances of conception. Here are some tips that can really make a difference to your level of fertility.


When trying to conceive it is important to drink lots of water. This helps the kidneys to flush out waste products from the body and increases fertile quality cervical fluid.

Avoid alcohol

It is a good idea to avoid or strictly limit alcohol intake as this reduces fertility. Department of Health advice is to avoid alcohol completely if trying to conceive or during pregnancy.


Caffeine is thought to restrict the growth of a developing baby by constricting blood vessels and reducing blood flow to the uterus. Current advice is to limit caffeine intake to below 2 cups of instant coffee, 1 cups of fresh coffee or 3 cups of tea.


Women have a 40% lower chance of getting pregnant if they smoke, according to a report published by the British Medical Association (BMA). Smoking decreases sperm count and increases sperm abnormalities in men. Ask us for help in quitting – Smoking Cessation

Stress less

There are so many people who worry excessively about becoming pregnant and once they release that stress, their body reacts to the new peace by creating a new life. So try not to worry and enjoy the fun of trying to conceive.


Taking a supplement specially formulated for before conception will provide you with 400mcg folic acid and other nutrients such as l-arginine vitamin D and vitamin B12 which help support the nutritional requirements of women trying to conceive.


Make sure that you have been properly screened for STDs. Pelvic inflammatory disease is common amongst women with the number-one cause being an untreated sexually transmitted disease.

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