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23 August 2024 · Updated 11 October 2024 · Views: 2075

What to Do About Hip Pain During Pregnancy

Lexy Pacheco

Lexy Pacheco

Focused chiropractic DONA, certified doula

Reviewed by Lexy Pacheco

What to Do About Hip Pain During Pregnancy

Pregnancy and hip pain: Pregnancy is a period of conflicting emotions and numerous bodily changes. These drastic shifts can occasionally cause discomfort and anxiety. A mother experiences numerous changes from conception to the knowledge of her pregnancy to the delivery, which occurs at about 40 weeks.

Although there has been tremendous advancement in prenatal care in recent decades, many elements of pregnancy remain unknown. This is due to the fact that most processes occur inside the body. A doppler machine, blood tests, and sonograms can only tell so much. It can be unsettling to be in the unknown, particularly for new mothers.

A mother's body will experience some very significant changes throughout pregnancy. The organs around the uterus exert pressure and push outward as it grows, which causes the organs to shift inside the body. To allow the fetus the room it needs to grow, the intestines, stomach, liver, and ribs will all move. The body stretches and loosens its muscles, tendons, and ligaments in preparation for childbirth. It is common for moms to feel pain in the legs, knees, and pelvis as their bodies stretch.

The female body is designed to endure all the physical changes a pregnant woman experiences in order to support and care for her developing fetus. An expectant mother may feel aches, pains, cramps, pokes, and general discomfort during those nine months. For first-time mothers in particular, it can be challenging to determine whether the symptoms they are experiencing are normal for pregnancy or if they should be taken seriously.

Here Are Some Of The Changes That A Woman’s Body Will Go Through

Tender breasts

Early pregnancy is frequently accompanied by sore or painful breasts, which many women experience just before their periods. The body produces an abundance of prolactin, progesterone, and oxytocin during this period to prime a woman's breasts for lactation. For certain women, the first sign that they are pregnant is the tenderness of their breasts.

Gas and constipation

The digestive system of an expectant mother can suffer greatly due to hormones and an enlarged uterus. Because of the constricted space and relaxed muscles, food takes longer to travel through the stomach and intestines after being consumed. Additionally, gas and constipation may worsen due to the high iron concentration of prenatal vitamins. A person's diet ought to come first. Throughout the day, eat small, frequent meals and make sure your diet is high in fiber. Limit your red meat intake as it could make your stool more harder.

Lightening (dropping)

A woman may experience increasing pressure on her hips, bladder, and pelvis as the baby descends into the pelvic region in preparation for birth. Usually, dropping happens between weeks 36 and 38 of pregnancy. This can happen later in pregnancy for women who have already given birth. Inform your OB/GYN if you experience this early in the pregnancy. Preterm labor may be indicated by pressure in the pelvis or lower abdomen.

Braxton Hicks contractions

These labor pains are regarded as "practice" ones. Due to their comparable sensations, Braxton Hicks and actual labor contractions can be difficult for new mothers to identify. Contrary to labor contractions, Braxton Hicks contractions do not become more intense, they do not happen at random times, and they typically stop if the mother moves positions.

Hip and pelvic pain

Pregnancy and hip pain are really common. The third trimester of pregnancy, or months seven through nine, are when hip and joint discomfort is most common as the baby gets bigger, heavier, and more difficult to bear. The growing baby also results in a slight change in the spine's curvature and overall pain in the surrounding muscles, particularly in the lower back and hips.

The Causes Of Hip Pain During Pregnancy

A pregnant woman now faces a whole new set of challenges after enduring the morning sickness and exhaustion of the first trimester. Any expecting mother can find hip pain bothersome as it limits movement and makes finding comfort challenging. The "hip hormone," relaxin, is the cause of the pain in the hip and surrounding joints. Relaxin prepares the body for birth by relaxing the hip flexor muscles and loosening the connective tissues, particularly in the pelvic area, to give the fetus room to expand. The body's structure, particularly the bones and lower vertebrae, is affected in some rather dramatic ways by this.

Hip and back discomfort in mothers may be impacted by their own weight gain in addition to the weight of the baby and the hormone surge. It's normal and good to gain a certain amount of weight while pregnant. Experts typically recommend that moms begin gaining weight in the second and third trimesters and aim to acquire no more than twenty pounds. A woman's height, pre-pregnancy weight, and general health are only a few of the variables that determine how much weight she can safely acquire overall. The ideal amount of weight gain for a woman should be determined in collaboration with her OB/GYN or dietician.

Some mothers put on extra weight quickly, most likely due to strong food cravings. Naturally, the joints are strained by this abrupt increase in weight, particularly the hips and knees.

A mother may have round ligament pain if her hip pain is accompanied by acute, searing abdominal pain. The region between the mother's hip bones and the pelvic area is covered by circular ligaments. During pregnancy, the ligaments expand to support the uterus's weight more firmly. One way to explain this pelvic pain is as if something were being pulled around the labia and hip bones. Mothers may experience widespread groin pain. Wearing pregnant compression belts and moving around could potentially relieve some of the pressure.

Preventing And Treating Hip Pain

Observe what causes the pain in the round ligament. It varies depending on the woman. The following general actions can help reduce and prevent round ligament pain and aid in pain relief:

Wear a maternity support or compression belt or tank top

This will significantly lessen the pressure and weight associated with a developing tummy. This is especially useful for mothers who work and are constantly on their feet.

Stand or switch positions slowly

The muscles will have more time to adjust to the activity as a result. When you need support, cling to something. Treat painful hip and abdominal muscles with heat compresses or warm showers. Take no oral pain medication unless directed by your OB/GYN. Certain ointments may include essential oils that have the potential to induce premature labor.

Keep the core strong with appropriate exercise and stretches

Work with your doctor to determine what is safe as some women are advised against doing anything too strenuous while pregnant.

Schedule a day of pampering or therapy

Get some chiropractic care or a soothing massage.

To help with pregnancy hip pain sleeping, use a specific pregnancy pillow.

Some pregnant women report having hip pain when they sleep. If this occurs, you might want to use specific cushions that support the upper legs and abdomen. These are frequently big, U-shaped pillows that support the back and abdomen of a pregnant lady by hugging her body. A better night's sleep might be possible with the help of these specifically made pillows. As an alternative, consider putting a standard cushion behind your lower back and leaning against a wall or a headboard. If you sleep on your side, place a little pillow in the small of your back and lean against it while you doze. Hip pressure is lessened as a result.

Check your footwear, especially if walking and standing frequently

Footwear should be comfortable and offer sufficient cushion to the soles and adequate arch support.


Staying hydrated while pregnant is beneficial for many reasons. Regarding hip pain, it is good for the muscles as it improves blood volume and circulation.

Related Reasons Why Drinking Enough Water Is Critical During Pregnancy

Aches and pains during pregnancy can be hard to identify

Hip pain in the early stages of pregnancy could have another cause, such sciatica. A sharp pain that shoots down the back, hips, pelvis (pelvic floor), and legs is the hallmark of sciatic nerve discomfort. An extended period of time spent in one position can cause this. Sciatica can be caused by a slipped disc, among other things. Due to the growing uterus and pressure on the pelvic floor and bone in the later stages of pregnancy, there may be a change in the alignment of the vertebrae and spine. Sciatica can be treated by adopting proper posture practices.

Hip Pain After Pregnancy

Following pregnancy, hip pain is frequent. It may show up as dull aches, severe pains out of the blue, or pain during intercourse. Running may also cause postpartum hip pain. Hip discomfort on the side or bilaterally may be the presentation of this. Muscle imbalance could be the cause of this.

Both pelvic pain in general and hip discomfort after pregnancy have a variety of causes. Nevertheless, see a doctor if it worsens or continues to hurt after two to three weeks. Certain physicians direct that their patients undergo evaluations by physical therapists skilled in treating the hips, pelvis, and glute muscles.

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