Pregnancy by week Second Trimester of Pregnancy

Lexy Pacheco
Reviewed by Lexy Pacheco

Searching for a pregnancy guide that goes week by week? You're fortunate! We have a tonne of information on every week and trimester that has been authorized by experts, including updates on your developing baby and changes you should anticipate for yourself.
Thousands of articles, beautiful fetal development videos, and practical resources like our Due Date Calculator and Baby Names Finder are all available. Get all of this and more with our free pregnancy app, and connect with other soon-to-be parents in our online community. Go for it, and congrats!
14 weeks pregnant
Welcome to your second trimester!
This is many moms' favorite part of pregnancy. You'll feel your baby move, see them on an ultrasound, and get a break from some unpleasant early and late pregnancy symptoms.
Maternity photo shoot ideas
If you're thinking of taking special maternity photos, here are tips on when, where, and how to get the best pregnancy pictures.
Gaining weight?
Check out our medically reviewed chart to find your target pregnancy weight gain depending on your pre-pregnancy weight and whether you're carrying one child or twins.
15 weeks pregnant
Baby gender predictor
If you have an ultrasound coming up, you may be able to find out your baby's sex if you don't know already. Just for fun, you can also try these baby gender predictor tests. They're highly unscientific – but they still have a 50/50 chance of being right.
Sex during pregnancy
In most cases, you can continue to have sex during pregnancy right up until your water breaks or you go into labor. You may find that in the second trimester, your sex drive comes back full force. And thanks to increased blood flow and lubrication, sex may feel better than ever.
Having an amnio?
Amniocentesis can tell you whether your baby has genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. It's usually done between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, so if you want to have one, talk to your healthcare provider to get it scheduled.
16 weeks pregnant
Baby kicks coming soon
You'll probably start feeling your baby move between 16 and 22 weeks, most likely when you're sitting or lying quietly. Veteran moms usually notice the first subtle flutters, known as "quickening," earlier than first-time moms.
Pregnancy glow
Glowing skin during pregnancy isn't a myth – it's a real thing that happens thanks to fluctuating hormone levels and increased blood flow. You're most likely to have a pregnancy glow in the second trimester.
Dreaming of a babymoon?
If you're planning to take one last trip before you add to your family, check out these tips on having a fantastic babymoon.
17 weeks pregnant
Your baby can hear you
Between 16 and 22 weeks, your baby will start to hear sounds inside your body, including the noises made by your heartbeat, breathing, and digestion.
Better sleep
Resting easier in the second trimester? Enjoy it – and switch to sleeping on your side soon if you haven't already. Side sleeping places the least pressure on your veins and internal organs, ensuring the best blood flow to the uterus. That means your baby will get maximum nutrients and oxygen.
Maternity pictures
Make sure to capture photos of your beautiful pregnant self. Whether you have a professional photographer, a friend, or your partner take photos, here are some great maternity picture ideas.
18 weeks pregnant
Mid-pregnancy ultrasound
Get ready to see your baby! You'll have an ultrasound between 18 and 22 weeks to check on your baby's health and development. It usually lasts 20 to 45 minutes.
Baby kicks
Are you feeling your baby move? If not, it may happen soon. The first movements often feel like little flutters, gas bubbles, or even like popcorn popping. They'll grow stronger and more frequent over time.
Great pregnancy snacks
In your second trimester, experts recommend getting about 340 extra calories a day. Eating healthy snacks between meals will help you meet this goal and keep your blood sugar level so you don't get too hungry.
19 weeks pregnant
Rainbow babies
If you're pregnant after a loss, you may struggle with mixed emotions like worry, excitement, fear, and joy. Here are ways to honor your experience and celebrate your rainbow baby.
Baby shower planning
Having a baby shower or baby sprinkle? It's not too early to talk to the host about the theme and whom to invite.
Baby name ideas
For inspiration, check out these baby names inspired by nature, outer space, and love.
20 weeks pregnant
You're halfway there!
You're at the midpoint in your pregnancy – or maybe a little more or less. Most women don't deliver exactly on their due date. You're just as likely to go into labor any day during the two weeks before or after.
Fundal height
From now on, at each prenatal visit your doctor or midwife will measure your belly from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus. This "fundal height" measurement shows how your baby's growing. Starting around 24 weeks, the height in centimeters is about equal to the number of weeks you're pregnant.
21 weeks pregnant
Baby kicks
Soon, other people may be able to feel your baby move by putting a hand on your belly. Your baby's initial fluttering movements will turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges.
Hiring a doula
A doula is a trained labor and birth assistant who can support you during your baby's birth. If you're looking for a doula, start interviewing candidates soon.
Swimming during pregnancy
Swimming is one of the best exercises for expecting moms. It's low-impact and gentle on your body, and can help ease pregnancy aches and pains. As your belly gets bigger, it's extra nice to float, weightless, in the water.
22 weeks pregnant
Positive affirmations
The right words can help you through even the most challenging moments. Try some of these encouraging affirmations for pregnancy and parenting.
Pets and pregnancy
Is your dog extra protective? Is your cat curling up on your belly? Many animal experts and pet lovers agree that pets can sense pregnancy (or at least pregnancy-related changes).
Plus-size pregnancy
You can have a healthy plus-size pregnancy. Being overweight or obese raises your risk for some complications, but many of these are manageable – and in some cases preventable.
23 weeks pregnant
Safe pregnancy exercise
For most expecting moms, exercise is not only safe, it's recommended for a healthy pregnancy. Choose from these safe pregnancy workouts.
Top pregnancy foods
Salmon helps with fetal brain development. Eggs help prevent certain birth defects. Avocados can ward off leg cramps. And that's only the beginning! Here are the best foods for pregnancy.
24 weeks pregnant
Pregnancy glow
The pregnancy glow you've likely heard so much about isn't a myth. Changing hormones, above-average oil production, and increased blood flow can make your skin look flushed, shiny, and even radiant.
Unusual baby names
If you're not jazzed about the most popular baby names, check out these uncommon and unusual baby names – Golden, Zen, Ajax, Booker, and more.
Feeling a strong urge to clean and organize your home? You're probably nesting. Preparing your "nest" for a new baby is an instinct common in humans and animals.
25 weeks pregnant
Safe pregnancy exercise
Most women can keep exercising throughout pregnancy – and exercise has lots of benefits. But as your body changes, you'll need to modify your workouts.
Belly button popping out?
Is your innie looking more like an outie now that you're creeping up on your third trimester? Don't worry: Usually pregnancy belly button changes are temporary.
Staying hydrated
You've probably heard it a thousand times by now, but it's true – staying hydrated during pregnancy is important. Try to drink about 10 glasses of water a day.
26 weeks pregnant
Maternity picture ideas
With your third trimester just around the corner, your baby bump may be looking especially photo-ready. Capture this special point in pregnancy with these maternity picture ideas.
3D ultrasound
A "keepsake ultrasound" from a private clinic can give you a magical view of your baby, but many experts recommend against them. Here are a few things worth considering before you book a 3D ultrasound.
Pregnancy nutrition
It's essential to get enough of key nutrients like calcium, iron, iodine, choline, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, and omega-3 fatty acids. Learn more about the pregnancy nutrients you need now.
27 weeks pregnant
Taking naps
Naps are a wonderful way to get better sleep during pregnancy. Studies show more than half of pregnant women take a nap during the work week, and 60 percent take naps over the weekend.
Tattoos while pregnant
Hold off until you've given birth to get inked, since there isn't enough research to establish whether getting a tattoo while pregnant is safe for your developing baby.
Vitamin B12 during pregnancy
Vitamin B12 is important for your baby's developing brain and spinal cord. Here are ways to have the recommended 2.6 micrograms of vitamin B12 during pregnancy each day.