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26 August 2024 · Updated 11 October 2024 · Views: 2089

Carpal Tunnel During Pregnancy

Lexy Pacheco

Lexy Pacheco

Focused chiropractic DONA, certified doula

Reviewed by Lexy Pacheco

Carpal Tunnel During Pregnancy

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Swelling around the nerves in your wrist causes a disorder called carpal tunnel syndrome. One or both of your hands may experience discomfort, tingling, or numbness as a result.

You are more vulnerable to the illness if you are pregnant. Approximately five out of ten pregnant women experience carpal tunnel syndrome.

What causes carpal tunnel syndrome?

Tendons and the median nerve, which passes through the base of your hand, are housed in the carpal tunnel, a passageway in your wrist. This delicate nerve may experience pain as the carpal tunnel swells and presses against it.

Pregnancy is one cause, but there are many other prevalent causes, such as repeated hand motions from certain jobs or arthritis. For information on carpal tunnel syndrome unrelated to pregnancy, visit this Healthdirect website.

How does pregnancy cause carpal tunnel syndrome?

Your body accumulates fluid during pregnancy due to hormones, which can lead to swelling. Swelling within the carpal tunnel may result from this.

Although it can occur in the first, second, or postpartum phases, the disorder is more common in the third trimester. The majority of the time, symptoms disappear once your kid is born.

What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?

Common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include:

  • pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness of your hand
  • difficulty with hand coordination
  • pain spreading to your arm or shoulder

Your thumb, index finger, and middle finger are most likely where you may experience the symptoms the most. At night, symptoms could worsen.

The range of symptom severity is possible, ranging from occasional soreness or slight irritation to excruciating agony. You can find it difficult to go to sleep or to carry out daily duties like working, getting dressed, cooking, or taking care of your child due to your symptoms.

Things that may make your symptoms worse include:

  • repeating the same hand movements frequently
  • keeping your hands in the same position for an extended time
  • supporting your weight with straightened arms

What can I do to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome?

You may find that your pain is reduced by the following:

  • Keep your hands elevated as much as you can.
  • Keep your wrists in a neutral position (not bent forwards or backwards), as much as you can.
  • Maintain good posture in your arms and wrists while working at a desk and take breaks every 20 minutes.
  • Sleep on the side of your less affected hand.
  • Put an ice pack on your wrist or run cold water over your hand.

Here are some things you should avoid:

  • Avoid any repeated movements that make your pain worse.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects.
  • Avoid tasks where you do the same movement repeatedly.
  • Don’t bend your wrist as far as it can go.
  • Here are some things you can do to relieve general swelling in your body:
  • Lie down whenever you can, with your feet elevated.
  • Cut down on salt in foods.
  • Elevate your legs when you’re sitting down.
  • Wear compression socks or stockings.

Are there any treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome?

Occupational therapy and physical therapy are available as forms of treatment. To keep your wrist in the ideal posture to lessen strain, a splint may need to be fitted for you. For the splint to be supportive and protective, it must be adjusted to fit your wrist. To ensure that your wrist remains in the proper position while you sleep, wear your splint at night.

The finest exercises and resting postures for protecting your wrist at home might be recommended by your therapist.

To lessen the swelling in your hand, consider trying a massage with fluid drainage. This can be accomplished by raising your arm and softly sweeping your other hand from your fingertips to your shoulder along your skin. Don't let your sweeper go the other way.

Other options for treating carpal tunnel syndrome include surgery or a cortisone injection into the wrist.

Will I still have pain after my baby is born?

After birth, carpal tunnel syndrome usually lessens and eventually goes away. You might need to adjust how you use your wrist if the pain persists after your baby is delivered. This may have an impact on how you hold and tend to your infant with your hands, including feeding them.

Consult a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, or lactation consultant for techniques and advice on reducing wrist strain when holding your infant. If you have a splint, it is a good idea to keep using it.

If you are worried about your pregnancy, try Soula. Soul is AI assistant for Female Wellbeing. 

Soula have been specifically designed for women, taking their unique challenges on their journey towards success and joy.

Soula is here 24/7 to provide women with emotional and informational support during the most challenging periods of their lives, aiming to prevent anxiety, burnout, and depression through neuroscience techniques and conversational AI.

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Swelling around the nerves in your wrist causes a disorder called carpal tunnel syndrome. One or both of your hands may experience discomfort, tingling, or numbness as a result.

You are more vulnerable to the illness if you are pregnant. Approximately five out of ten pregnant women experience carpal tunnel syndrome.

What causes carpal tunnel syndrome?

Tendons and the median nerve, which passes through the base of your hand, are housed in the carpal tunnel, a passageway in your wrist. This delicate nerve may experience pain as the carpal tunnel swells and presses against it.

Pregnancy is one cause, but there are many other prevalent causes, such as repeated hand motions from certain jobs or arthritis. For information on carpal tunnel syndrome unrelated to pregnancy, visit this Healthdirect website.

How does pregnancy cause carpal tunnel syndrome?

Your body accumulates fluid during pregnancy due to hormones, which can lead to swelling. Swelling within the carpal tunnel may result from this.

Although it can occur in the first, second, or postpartum phases, the disorder is more common in the third trimester. The majority of the time, symptoms disappear once your kid is born.

What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?

Common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include:

  • pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness of your hand
  • difficulty with hand coordination
  • pain spreading to your arm or shoulder

Your thumb, index finger, and middle finger are most likely where you may experience the symptoms the most. At night, symptoms could worsen.

The range of symptom severity is possible, ranging from occasional soreness or slight irritation to excruciating agony. You can find it difficult to go to sleep or to carry out daily duties like working, getting dressed, cooking, or taking care of your child due to your symptoms.

Things that may make your symptoms worse include:

  • repeating the same hand movements frequently
  • keeping your hands in the same position for an extended time
  • supporting your weight with straightened arms

What can I do to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome?

You may find that your pain is reduced by the following:

  • Keep your hands elevated as much as you can.
  • Keep your wrists in a neutral position (not bent forwards or backwards), as much as you can.
  • Maintain good posture in your arms and wrists while working at a desk and take breaks every 20 minutes.
  • Sleep on the side of your less affected hand.
  • Put an ice pack on your wrist or run cold water over your hand.

Here are some things you should avoid:

  • Avoid any repeated movements that make your pain worse.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects.
  • Avoid tasks where you do the same movement repeatedly.
  • Don’t bend your wrist as far as it can go.
  • Here are some things you can do to relieve general swelling in your body:
  • Lie down whenever you can, with your feet elevated.
  • Cut down on salt in foods.
  • Elevate your legs when you’re sitting down.
  • Wear compression socks or stockings.

Are there any treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome?

Occupational therapy and physical therapy are available as forms of treatment. To keep your wrist in the ideal posture to lessen strain, a splint may need to be fitted for you. For the splint to be supportive and protective, it must be adjusted to fit your wrist. To ensure that your wrist remains in the proper position while you sleep, wear your splint at night.

The finest exercises and resting postures for protecting your wrist at home might be recommended by your therapist.

To lessen the swelling in your hand, consider trying a massage with fluid drainage. This can be accomplished by raising your arm and softly sweeping your other hand from your fingertips to your shoulder along your skin. Don't let your sweeper go the other way.

Other options for treating carpal tunnel syndrome include surgery or a cortisone injection into the wrist.

Will I still have pain after my baby is born?

After birth, carpal tunnel syndrome usually lessens and eventually goes away. You might need to adjust how you use your wrist if the pain persists after your baby is delivered. This may have an impact on how you hold and tend to your infant with your hands, including feeding them.

Consult a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, or lactation consultant for techniques and advice on reducing wrist strain when holding your infant. If you have a splint, it is a good idea to keep using it.

If you are worried about your pregnancy, try Soula. Soul is AI assistant for Female Wellbeing. 

Soula have been specifically designed for women, taking their unique challenges on their journey towards success and joy.

Soula is here 24/7 to provide women with emotional and informational support during the most challenging periods of their lives, aiming to prevent anxiety, burnout, and depression through neuroscience techniques and conversational AI.

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