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26 August 2024 · Updated 11 October 2024 · Views: 2079

Pregnancy by week Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Lexy Pacheco

Lexy Pacheco

Focused chiropractic DONA, certified doula

Reviewed by Lexy Pacheco

Pregnancy by week Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Searching for a pregnancy guide that goes week by week? You're fortunate! We have a tonne of information on every week and trimester that has been authorized by experts, including updates on your developing baby and changes you should anticipate for yourself.

Thousands of articles, beautiful fetal development videos, and practical resources like our Due Date Calculator and Baby Names Finder are all available. Get all of this and more with our free pregnancy app, and connect with other soon-to-be parents in our online community. Go for it, and congrats!

28 weeks pregnant

Hello, third trimester!

You're in the home stretch. You'll most likely have a checkup every two weeks until 36 weeks, then switch to once-a-week visits until you deliver.

Pregnancy weight gain

In the third trimester, aim for a steady weight gain of about a pound each week. You need about 450 extra calories per day to support your pregnancy – here are some healthy pregnancy foods and pregnancy snacks to help you meet that goal.

Sex: Yay or nay?

Generally, it's safe to have sex during the third trimester. If you're having a healthy, uncomplicated pregnancy, you can probably continue to have sex right up until your water breaks or you go into labor.

29 weeks pregnant

Feeling hiccups

Noticing small, rhythmic movements? Your baby's hiccups in the womb are totally normal, and might play a role in lung maturation.

Third trimester to-dos

Your baby will be here before you know it! As you get closer to your due date, check a few items off your third trimester to-do list.

Weight gain

During the third trimester, you can expect to gain an average of a pound each week. Don't obsess about the scale, but focus on staying active and eating a variety of healthy pregnancy foods.

30 weeks pregnant

Baby shower fun

If you haven't had your shower yet, check out more than a dozen ideas for baby shower games that will keep your friends and family entertained.

Belly getting in the way?

Missionary position may be harder to manage now. Luckily, there are lots of alternative pregnancy sex positions.

Eating the placenta

If you want to eat your placenta after birth, it's important to understand the benefits, risks, and how to safely preserve and prepare it.

31 weeks pregnant

Chores to avoid

At 31 weeks, your nesting urge may be in full force, but it's important to avoid certain chores that can be unsafe – like moving furniture and using strong chemicals.

Healthy pregnancy recipes

Nourishing yourself and your baby is crucial during pregnancy, but it's not always easy. These pregnancy recipes are quick, delicious, and packed with nutrients.

32 weeks pregnant

Changing positions

In the next few weeks, your baby will likely get into the ideal position for birth – head down, facing your back. About 97 percent of babies get here on their own – but some end up in different positions.

Able to survive and thrive

At 32 weeks, if you have your baby early their chances of doing well are very good. Called moderately preterm, babies born between 32 and 34 weeks often need care in the NICU, but are unlikely to have lasting problems.

Baby movement

Keep monitoring your baby's kicks, and tell your doctor or midwife immediately if you notice a change. Though your baby's quarters are getting cozy, they should still be as active as before.

33 weeks pregnant

More prenatal visits

These days, you may feel like your doctor or midwife has a revolving door. Third-trimester prenatal visits are frequent – and if you're having a high-risk pregnancy, you may see your provider even more often.

What happens after birth

Find out what to expect in the minutes and hours after your baby arrives.

Is that pee?

For most women, the amniotic sac doesn't rupture until right before labor starts, or during labor. But you may want to know what it feels like (and looks like) when your water breaks.

34 weeks pregnant

Keeping tabs on your baby

Your provider will measure your fundal height – the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus – at every visit to estimate your baby's size. (If you have a high-risk pregnancy, they'll use ultrasound instead.)

Tired of pregnancy?

Carrying a growing baby isn't easy, especially as the end of your pregnancy approaches. If you're bored or tired of being pregnant, know that what you're feeling is completely normal.

Preparing for maternity leave

If you're working, sort out the details of your maternity leave. Talk to your company's HR department, fill out paperwork, and write a transition plan.

35 weeks pregnant

Ready to drop

Soon your baby will drop into your pelvis, giving your lungs more room but putting more pressure on your bladder. This is one way your body's preparing for labor – but it doesn't predict when labor will start.

Late-pregnancy dreams

Hormonal changes plus sleep disturbances can lead to vivid and bizarre dreams in late pregnancy. It's common for pregnant women to dream about their baby, body changes, water, and being in labor.

Caring for your newborn

If you're feeling nervous about taking care of your new baby, check out these newborn tips from veteran parents.

36 weeks pregnant

Getting in position

Most babies have gotten into position for birth by now, facing your spine with their head down. If your baby is breech (bottom-down), your provider may try to manually turn them by applying pressure to your abdomen.

Weekly prenatal visits

Prenatal visits are more frequent at the end of pregnancy – you'll see your provider once a week until delivery. They'll continue to check your blood pressure, weight, and urine and watch for complications.

If you give birth this week

If your baby arrives at 36 weeks, they'll be considered "late preterm" and will have the same chance of being healthy as full-term infants.

37 weeks pregnant

Labor approaching

You could go into labor at any time – though most women give birth in the two weeks before and after their estimated due date. You'll know you're in labor when your contractions are getting stronger, longer, and more frequent.

Cervix check

Your doctor or midwife may check your cervix to see how much it has effaced (softened and thinned) and dilated (opened). Dilation and effacement may not start until you go into labor, or it may gradually occur over several days or weeks toward the end of your pregnancy.

Almost to the finish line

You're getting close now, but doctors don't consider your baby "full term" until 39 weeks. Spending the next two weeks in the womb allows your baby's brain, lungs, and nervous system to fully mature.

38 weeks pregnant

You're almost there!

Most women give birth within two weeks of their due date. Watch for these signs that labor is near.

The nesting instinct

Fueled by big bursts of energy, you may find yourself cleaning the nursery, setting up baby gear, and freezing lasagnas. Nesting is natural (and good!) – just don't overexert yourself.

Learn while you wait

While you wait for your baby to arrive, consider taking virtual classes on lifesaving infant CPR, baby sleep, and physical milestones from BabyCenter Courses.

39 weeks pregnant


Your baby is full term. That means they're fully developed and ready to greet the world.

Staying active

Gentle exercise is okay now, as long as you don't have certain complications. Shoot for 20 minutes a day of walking, swimming, or stretching if you can.

Time to induce?

If you're having a healthy pregnancy, your provider may suggest inducing labor at 39 weeks. Talk to your doctor or midwife if you're interested – but avoid so-called natural ways to induce labor. These haven't been proven to work, and can cause unpleasant side effects.

40 weeks pregnant

You made it!

Congratulations – you made it to your due date! Your pregnancy is full term and your baby is fully developed and ready to meet you.

How to get labor going

Natural ways to induce labor aren't proven to work – and some can be dangerous. But there are two methods that are worth a try: walking and having sex (if sex is still safe and comfortable for you). There's no solid proof that these will start your labor, but they could help, and you may enjoy them!

Staying positive

If you're anxious about going through labor or having a C-section, or frustrated with being hugely pregnant, practice a few helpful pregnancy affirmations. "I trust my body to know what to do" and "I am capable of amazing things" are good ones to start with.

41 weeks pregnant

Time for induction?

For safety reasons, your doctor or midwife will recommend inducing labor if your baby isn't born this week. Providers won't let you go more than two weeks past your due date because it raises the risk of complications.

You'll also be seeing your provider more – perhaps twice a week until you deliver. They want to make sure that you and your baby stay healthy until your little one makes their grand entrance.

Meeting your baby

At long last, you'll soon meet your precious little one. Your baby may look a little funny at first: Their head may be misshapen from squeezing through the birth canal, and their skin may be peeling from their long bath in amniotic fluid. That's okay: They'll still be absolutely beautiful to you.

Sharing the news

How will you announce your baby's birth? Most new parents use social media or a text, but some get more creative. Remember – there's no rush to announce. It's fine to take time to savor your new addition before telling the world they've arrived.

Searching for a pregnancy guide that goes week by week? You're fortunate! We have a tonne of information on every week and trimester that has been authorized by experts, including updates on your developing baby and changes you should anticipate for yourself.

Thousands of articles, beautiful fetal development videos, and practical resources like our Due Date Calculator and Baby Names Finder are all available. Get all of this and more with our free pregnancy app, and connect with other soon-to-be parents in our online community. Go for it, and congrats!

28 weeks pregnant

Hello, third trimester!

You're in the home stretch. You'll most likely have a checkup every two weeks until 36 weeks, then switch to once-a-week visits until you deliver.

Pregnancy weight gain

In the third trimester, aim for a steady weight gain of about a pound each week. You need about 450 extra calories per day to support your pregnancy – here are some healthy pregnancy foods and pregnancy snacks to help you meet that goal.

Sex: Yay or nay?

Generally, it's safe to have sex during the third trimester. If you're having a healthy, uncomplicated pregnancy, you can probably continue to have sex right up until your water breaks or you go into labor.

29 weeks pregnant

Feeling hiccups

Noticing small, rhythmic movements? Your baby's hiccups in the womb are totally normal, and might play a role in lung maturation.

Third trimester to-dos

Your baby will be here before you know it! As you get closer to your due date, check a few items off your third trimester to-do list.

Weight gain

During the third trimester, you can expect to gain an average of a pound each week. Don't obsess about the scale, but focus on staying active and eating a variety of healthy pregnancy foods.

30 weeks pregnant

Baby shower fun

If you haven't had your shower yet, check out more than a dozen ideas for baby shower games that will keep your friends and family entertained.

Belly getting in the way?

Missionary position may be harder to manage now. Luckily, there are lots of alternative pregnancy sex positions.

Eating the placenta

If you want to eat your placenta after birth, it's important to understand the benefits, risks, and how to safely preserve and prepare it.

31 weeks pregnant

Chores to avoid

At 31 weeks, your nesting urge may be in full force, but it's important to avoid certain chores that can be unsafe – like moving furniture and using strong chemicals.

Healthy pregnancy recipes

Nourishing yourself and your baby is crucial during pregnancy, but it's not always easy. These pregnancy recipes are quick, delicious, and packed with nutrients.

32 weeks pregnant

Changing positions

In the next few weeks, your baby will likely get into the ideal position for birth – head down, facing your back. About 97 percent of babies get here on their own – but some end up in different positions.

Able to survive and thrive

At 32 weeks, if you have your baby early their chances of doing well are very good. Called moderately preterm, babies born between 32 and 34 weeks often need care in the NICU, but are unlikely to have lasting problems.

Baby movement

Keep monitoring your baby's kicks, and tell your doctor or midwife immediately if you notice a change. Though your baby's quarters are getting cozy, they should still be as active as before.

33 weeks pregnant

More prenatal visits

These days, you may feel like your doctor or midwife has a revolving door. Third-trimester prenatal visits are frequent – and if you're having a high-risk pregnancy, you may see your provider even more often.

What happens after birth

Find out what to expect in the minutes and hours after your baby arrives.

Is that pee?

For most women, the amniotic sac doesn't rupture until right before labor starts, or during labor. But you may want to know what it feels like (and looks like) when your water breaks.

34 weeks pregnant

Keeping tabs on your baby

Your provider will measure your fundal height – the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus – at every visit to estimate your baby's size. (If you have a high-risk pregnancy, they'll use ultrasound instead.)

Tired of pregnancy?

Carrying a growing baby isn't easy, especially as the end of your pregnancy approaches. If you're bored or tired of being pregnant, know that what you're feeling is completely normal.

Preparing for maternity leave

If you're working, sort out the details of your maternity leave. Talk to your company's HR department, fill out paperwork, and write a transition plan.

35 weeks pregnant

Ready to drop

Soon your baby will drop into your pelvis, giving your lungs more room but putting more pressure on your bladder. This is one way your body's preparing for labor – but it doesn't predict when labor will start.

Late-pregnancy dreams

Hormonal changes plus sleep disturbances can lead to vivid and bizarre dreams in late pregnancy. It's common for pregnant women to dream about their baby, body changes, water, and being in labor.

Caring for your newborn

If you're feeling nervous about taking care of your new baby, check out these newborn tips from veteran parents.

36 weeks pregnant

Getting in position

Most babies have gotten into position for birth by now, facing your spine with their head down. If your baby is breech (bottom-down), your provider may try to manually turn them by applying pressure to your abdomen.

Weekly prenatal visits

Prenatal visits are more frequent at the end of pregnancy – you'll see your provider once a week until delivery. They'll continue to check your blood pressure, weight, and urine and watch for complications.

If you give birth this week

If your baby arrives at 36 weeks, they'll be considered "late preterm" and will have the same chance of being healthy as full-term infants.

37 weeks pregnant

Labor approaching

You could go into labor at any time – though most women give birth in the two weeks before and after their estimated due date. You'll know you're in labor when your contractions are getting stronger, longer, and more frequent.

Cervix check

Your doctor or midwife may check your cervix to see how much it has effaced (softened and thinned) and dilated (opened). Dilation and effacement may not start until you go into labor, or it may gradually occur over several days or weeks toward the end of your pregnancy.

Almost to the finish line

You're getting close now, but doctors don't consider your baby "full term" until 39 weeks. Spending the next two weeks in the womb allows your baby's brain, lungs, and nervous system to fully mature.

38 weeks pregnant

You're almost there!

Most women give birth within two weeks of their due date. Watch for these signs that labor is near.

The nesting instinct

Fueled by big bursts of energy, you may find yourself cleaning the nursery, setting up baby gear, and freezing lasagnas. Nesting is natural (and good!) – just don't overexert yourself.

Learn while you wait

While you wait for your baby to arrive, consider taking virtual classes on lifesaving infant CPR, baby sleep, and physical milestones from BabyCenter Courses.

39 weeks pregnant


Your baby is full term. That means they're fully developed and ready to greet the world.

Staying active

Gentle exercise is okay now, as long as you don't have certain complications. Shoot for 20 minutes a day of walking, swimming, or stretching if you can.

Time to induce?

If you're having a healthy pregnancy, your provider may suggest inducing labor at 39 weeks. Talk to your doctor or midwife if you're interested – but avoid so-called natural ways to induce labor. These haven't been proven to work, and can cause unpleasant side effects.

40 weeks pregnant

You made it!

Congratulations – you made it to your due date! Your pregnancy is full term and your baby is fully developed and ready to meet you.

How to get labor going

Natural ways to induce labor aren't proven to work – and some can be dangerous. But there are two methods that are worth a try: walking and having sex (if sex is still safe and comfortable for you). There's no solid proof that these will start your labor, but they could help, and you may enjoy them!

Staying positive

If you're anxious about going through labor or having a C-section, or frustrated with being hugely pregnant, practice a few helpful pregnancy affirmations. "I trust my body to know what to do" and "I am capable of amazing things" are good ones to start with.

41 weeks pregnant

Time for induction?

For safety reasons, your doctor or midwife will recommend inducing labor if your baby isn't born this week. Providers won't let you go more than two weeks past your due date because it raises the risk of complications.

You'll also be seeing your provider more – perhaps twice a week until you deliver. They want to make sure that you and your baby stay healthy until your little one makes their grand entrance.

Meeting your baby

At long last, you'll soon meet your precious little one. Your baby may look a little funny at first: Their head may be misshapen from squeezing through the birth canal, and their skin may be peeling from their long bath in amniotic fluid. That's okay: They'll still be absolutely beautiful to you.

Sharing the news

How will you announce your baby's birth? Most new parents use social media or a text, but some get more creative. Remember – there's no rush to announce. It's fine to take time to savor your new addition before telling the world they've arrived.

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