Diarrhea During Pregnancy

Lexy Pacheco
Reviewed by Lexy Pacheco

It was found that a considerably higher incidence of SGA newborns was associated with diarrhea during pregnancy, based on research conducted on the rural South Asian population. Here are some natural cures and therapies.
- Constipation and diarrhea are two common digestive system issues that can arise during pregnancy. Hormone fluctuations, dietary modifications, and increased stress from pregnancy are possible causes. Pregnant women have been known to get diarrhea somewhat frequently. Infant mortality may occur indirectly as a result of major issues like SGA (small for gestational age) babies if they are not careful enough.
- It was briefly mentioned that a much higher risk of SGA newborns was associated with diarrheal disease during pregnancy, based on studies done on the rural South Asian population. Worldwide infant mortality has been determined to be 60–80% related to small-for-gestational-age (SGA). In settings with limited resources, initiatives aimed at lowering diarrheal sickness during pregnancy might have a favorable effect on SGA births.
- It is important to take the debate about the link between pregnancy-related diarrhea and negative outcomes for the unborn child very seriously. As is already known, there is a significant increased risk of SGA in neonates born to pregnant women who experience diarrhea. Nonetheless, there was no difference in the frequency of preterm birth and low birth weight (LBW) between pregnant women who had diarrhea and those who did not.
Why diarrhea is common during pregnancy
It's possible that you have diarrhea if you have more than three loose bowel movements in a single day. Diarrhea is a relatively common pregnancy-related issue. Some pregnancy-related causes of diarrhea include the following:
1. Diet changes
When a woman learns she is pregnant, she often makes significant dietary modifications to support the growing unborn child. This sudden change in what you eat may be the cause of your unsettled stomach, which may lead to diarrhea.
2. New food sensitivities
One of the many changes you'll go through during your pregnancy is food sensitivity. This implies that foods that you never had problems with before becoming pregnant could now be giving you gas, diarrhea, and upset stomach.
3. Prenatal vitamins
Prenatal vitamins are beneficial to your developing baby's health as well as your own throughout pregnancy. On the other hand, taking these vitamins occasionally upsets your stomach and causes diarrhea.
4. Hormone changes
Your digestive system may slow down as a result of hormone fluctuations, which could cause constipation. However, hormones can also expedite the digestive process, perhaps resulting in diarrhea.
Diarrhea commonly occurs in the third trimester
- You'll notice that the problem of diarrhea gets worse as your due date approaches. Your body might be preparing for labor if this is the case. It's not always the case that diarrhea indicates your labor day is approaching, so don't let the increased frequency of diarrhea scare you.
- Though some will, some women in their third trimester won't even experience frequent diarrhea. Every woman has a unique experience, and it varies from person to person. Expectant mothers can seek out weekly pregnancy advice and advice from medical professionals to gain a better understanding of their particular situation.
- It's not always the case that diarrhea experienced during pregnancy is caused by pregnancy. You could get diarrhea throughout your pregnancy for numerous reasons.
Here are some reasons other than pregnancy that may cause this problem:
1. Virus
2. Bacteria
3. Stomach flu
4. Intestinal parasites
5. Food poisoning
6. Medications
In addition to these, a few other illnesses also increase the prevalence of diarrhea. These comprise Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and celiac disease.
How to treat diarrhea during pregnancy
If you are skeptical of pills while you are pregnant, there is good news for you. You may not have to take any supplementary prescriptions to treat your diarrhea. In fact, most cases of diarrhea get back to normal without any additional treatment. However, if you need some way to deal with it, a few home treatments are available.
1. Give it time
Most cases of diarrhea will get cleared up within a week, especially if it is the outcome of a bug or virus, bacteria, or food poisoning.
2. Stay hydrated
- If you are experiencing diarrhea, you need to stay hydrated. Watery and loose bowel movements extract a significant amount of fluid from your body. Dehydration can arise promptly and can become a severe problem, especially for pregnant women.
- Even when pregnant women are not undergoing digestive problems, they still need more water than everybody else. Keep drinking the water to restore the fluids you are losing. You must drink some juice and broth to help supplant some of the vitamins, electrolytes, and minerals that your body has been losing due to diarrhea.
3. Consider your medication
If a prescribed medication you are taking is provoking diarrhea, it is not a serious issue, and within no time, your body will be able to adjust to it, and your diarrhea may stop. But, if it’s taking a long time to go away, inform your doctor.
4. See a doctor
Make an appointment with your doctor if your diarrhea does not stop after 2 or 3 days. Your doctor will physically examine you and may take out some blood samples to determine the cause of your diarrhea.
5. Avoid problematic foods
Certain food groups can make diarrhea worse. Stay away from high-fat, spicy foods, fried meals, milk and other dairy products, and high-fiber diets.
6. Do not take over-the-counter medicine.
Never try to consume any anti-diarrheal medication without the consultation of your doctor. Certain conditions may get worsened by using these medicines. Besides, they are not considered safe for everyone to use.
When you should seek treatment
Prolonged diarrhea can result in dehydration. Severe dehydration can cause pregnancy complications. Call your doctor right away if you notice symptoms of dehydration. Some of the common symptoms of dehydration include:
- dark yellow urine
- Dry, sticky mouth
- Thirst
- Decreased urine output
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Lightheadedness
You can stave off dehydration during your pregnancy by drinking a minimum of 80 ounces of water each day.
Prevention Tips for Diarrhea
1. Safe drinking water:
Because developing nations have few or no standards for hygiene, they have turned into havens for infectious diseases. One of the main ongoing causes of this issue is water contamination, which is followed by a shortage of clean drinking water. To avoid contamination, water storage containers used in our houses should always be covered and should never come into direct touch with possibly dirty hands. Boiling and treating water before consuming is always a good idea as an extra precaution.
2. Toilet hygiene:
- An often-overlooked part of sanitation and hygiene that contributes to the genesis of disease-causing microorganisms is the convenient and appropriate disposal of human waste. For immediate fecal matter clearance, make sure the toilet in use is immediately connected to the sewage system or on-site sanitation system. To prevent the accumulation of dirt and germs on the inside surfaces of the toilet, it is imperative that the toilet be flushed thoroughly after every use and that the pan be cleaned on a regular basis using a toilet cleaner and brush. Cleaning the exterior and surrounding areas of the toilet, including the flush handle, seat, and cistern, is equally crucial. Keep them germ-free and immaculate.
- It is imperative to periodically clean bathroom and toilet floors with surface disinfection solutions. To prevent flies from carrying diseases and other contaminants into your home, keep the area surrounding the toilet covered at all times.
- The cleaning supplies you use for the rest of the house should be kept apart from the brushes and cloths you use to clean the toilet.
3. Food hygiene:
- When it comes to food, one must maintain good hygiene; this will ensure the prevention of food poisoning that might lead to diarrhea and gastroenteritis. Here are some factors that you must follow to keep your food hygienic:
- After cooking, especially fish, raw meat, or eggs, disinfect any kitchen surfaces you have used and clean them properly. Use hot water and detergent to clean dirty utensils, crockery, and cutlery.
- Separately store the raw and cooked food each time.
- Make sure that the food you cook is not left undercooked.
- Do properly refrigerate the food items to prohibit the growth of bacteria.
- Before you start cooking or eating, make sure that you have washed your hands thoroughly with a good hand wash or at least have cleaned it with a good hand Sanitizer.
A frequent illness that affects everyone, even expectant mothers, is diarrhea. To avoid diarrhea, you can adhere to the home remedies and precautions listed above. Maintaining a clean environment is preferable; this is one of the management techniques to stop diarrhea. See your doctor if your diarrhea lasts longer than 48 hours. If you experience symptoms like fever, frequent vomiting, dehydration, or bloody stools, get medical attention right once. Before using any medication for diarrhea, be sure to consult your physician.
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