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26 August 2024 · Updated 07 October 2024

The Role of Calcium During Pregnancy

Lexy Pacheco

Lexy Pacheco

Focused chiropractic DONA, certified doula

Reviewed by Lexy Pacheco

The Role of Calcium During Pregnancy

For women of all ages, but particularly for those who are expecting, calcium is vital. It is essential for the development of a baby's skeletal system, teeth, and bones. Here, we discuss the need of consuming enough calcium for expectant mothers, provide some ideas for foods high in calcium, and describe how to make up for any nutritional deficiencies that may arise.

How Calcium Benefits Women During Pregnancy

Getting enough calcium is essential to help prevent bone loss during pregnancy because your body transfers calcium from you to your developing baby. The good news is that, especially when you eat the correct foods, your body is intelligent enough to safeguard your bones.

How Much Calcium Does Your Body Need?

Since your body cannot create calcium on its own, you must consume it through food. The average pregnant woman needs 1,000 mg of calcium every day. Aim for four or more servings of foods high in calcium each day.

Calcium-Rich Foods

Some of the best sources of calcium are found in dairy products, including:

  • Plain low-fat yogurt
  • Part-skim mozzarella
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Skim milk
  • Calcium-fortified soymilk
  • 2 percent milk
  • Low-fat buttermilk
  • Cottage cheese

Non-dairy Calcium Options

Not everyone can tolerate dairy, so here are some non-dairy options that provide significant sources of calcium.

  • Calcium-fortified orange juice
  • Canned sardines with bones
  • Tofu
  • Salmon
  • Cereals that are calcium-fortified
  • Kale
  • Bok choy

Filling in Nutritional Gaps with Prenatal Vitamins

Pregnant women might require a little extra assistance in consuming the required daily intake of calcium. You and the unborn child can typically get all the nutrients you need from a calcium-rich diet and a prenatal vitamin. However, not every prenatal vitamin is made equally.

Prenate provides a range of prenatal vitamins that are high in calcium, such as:

  • Prenate® Enhance
  • Prenate® Restore
  • Prenate Chewable®
  • Prenate Mini®
  • Prenate DHA®
  • Prenate Elite®
  • Prenate Essential®

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